As an intergenerational church, Suffolk Presbyterian values the presence and participation of our younger members.
Children are welcome in the Sanctuary during worship and at church events. Worship Bags containing “quiet play” items are provided and a Children’s Time is included in the service most Sundays. The congregation looks forward to opportunities for young people to be involved in worship through serving as liturgist, musicians, or performing in the annual Christmas Pageant. For those who prefer, a supervised nursery is available. Sunday School lessons geared towards preschool and elementary students are offered during the worship hour.

Sunday Mornings
Sunday School | During worship
professionally staffed and available during Sunday School and worship
preschool through elementary
Children’s Time
Children’s Time is a special moment during our worship service where children are invited to the front of the Sanctuary for a brief, age-appropriate sermon. This time includes an object lesson followed by prayer, designed to help our youngest members connect with the message of the day. After Children’s Time, children can choose to remain in the Sanctuary to worship with their parents or return to the Nursery for a snack and a Sunday School lesson tailored to their age group.