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Our Staff & Leadership

Rev. Julie Anna Sterling


Rev. Sterling, or Rev. Julie, as she prefers, began her ministry at SPC on May 1, 2017 after serving as pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Buckhannon, West Virginia. A native of Pella, Iowa, she received a Master of Divinity degree from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2002. She had served as pastor of small congregations in Hebron, Nebraska, and Sigourney, Iowa, before her previous call.


She and husband Eric, a Pittsburgh native, have a menagerie of “fur babies” – a dog and four cats.  They both enjoy being outdoors, particularly fishing, hiking and taking their rescue dog, Cooper, on long trail runs. “My husband and I feel truly blessed to be invited to be part of the SPC family,” she said.

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Chris Johnson


Chris Johnson is a long time resident of the Hampton Roads area where he has served as organist and choir director in several churches. Chris is thrilled to be part of the family at Suffolk Presbyterian and working with the music program. He is currently living in Windsor (his hometown) where he enjoys teaching high school English, gardening, and playing the piano.

Laura Farmer


Laura Farmer was born in Arizona, but has lived most of her life in Virginia. She graduated from Virginia Tech in 2000 with her BS in Family and Childhood Development. She has two children with her college sweetheart. Before becoming a mom, she worked for three years at the American Cancer Society.  She volunteers with the Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast.

Our Leadership

In our denomination, the Session is the local governing body and oversees all aspects of church life. Our Session consists of the pastor as moderator, a clerk, and four ordained elders, who are elected by the congregation to serve for three years. Both men and women may serve. 


The clerk is responsible for record keeping and coordinating with our local governing body, the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia (PEVA).  Each elder is responsible for one or more ministry teams or committees:


  • Administration/Communication

  • Christian Education 

  • Compassionate Outreach

  • Facilities

  • Invitation

  • Personnel

  • Stewardship/Finance

  • Worship

The board of Deacons is responsible for the Congregational Care Ministry Team. Four deacons are elected by the congregation to three-year terms, with the pastor as an advisor. All adults may serve as deacons. The deacons minister to those in need, the sick, the friendless, and those in distress in the congregation or beyond. SPC uses the structure of flocks, whereby the congregation is divided into small groups, with a deacon as the flock leader to communicate with members.

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